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Glucose 6 Phosphate Deficiency Confirmatory

G6PD Confirmatory


Confirmatory test for Glucose 6 Phosphate deficiency

Usually causing hemolytic anemia, neonatal jaundice and etc.


Lavender Top


500 ul
G6PD SPECIMEN REQUIREMENTS For G6PD, a volume of approximately 500µl of anti-coagulated blood collected in EDTA microtainer/pediatric tube. Make sure that blood volume does not exceed the required volume as indicated by the markings. Mix/invert the tube carefully 6-8 times upon recap to mix blood with anticoagulant and avoid clots. Label tubes properly with mother’s name of the patient and date/time of blood collection.



A patient information sheet will be filled-out with the following data:

Name of the Baby
Date of Birth
Name of Mother
Newborn Screening Number/Copy of the Screen Result
Sending Facility
Contact Number
Attending Physician
Mailing Address
E-mail Address

Pediatric resident on duty needs to verify completeness of the details of the patient.
Any discrepancy noted will cause specimen rejection. Appropriate action will be taken.
Specimens not labelled properly, spoiled, hemolyzed or with incomplete documents will not be processed.

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